Política de Cookies


Para que este sitio funcione adecuadamente, a veces instalamos en los dispositivos de los usuarios pequeños ficheros de datos, conocidos como cookies. La mayoría de los grandes sitios web también lo hacen.

¿Qué son las cookies?

Una cookie es un pequeño fichero de texto que los sitios web instalan en el ordenador o el dispositivo móvil de los usuarios que los visitan. Las cookies hacen posible que el sitio web recuerde las acciones y preferencias del usuario (identificador de inicio de sesión, idioma, tamaño de letra y otras preferencias de visualización), para que este no tenga que volver a configurarlos cuando regrese al sitio o navegue por sus páginas.


How do we use cookies?

1. Cookies técnicas

These cookies are essential for running our web sites and are the key to providing you a seamless experience.

Nombre Descritption Dominio Duración Habilitadas por
PHPSESSID PHP session cookie. Esta cookie es nativa de PHP y permite a la web guardar datos serializados de estado.




CookiesBannerMJC This cookie indicates that a user has accepted the cookies policy of this site. www.sporteventi.com

3 meses



2. Cookies de análisis

These cookies are used for statistical analysis on how the users web surf on our site. We treat the results of these analyzes anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes.

Nombre Descripción Dominio Duración Habilitadas por
_ga Used to distinguish users. .sporteventi.com
2 años Google Analytics
IP anónima
_gid Used to distinguish users. .sporteventi.com
24 Horas Google Analytics
IP Anonymization
_gat / _dc_gtm_ Used to throttle request rate. .sporteventi.com
1 minuto Google Analytics
IP anónima

For further information: Google Analytics Help: Data privacy and security, Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites.


3. Cookies de terceros

Third parties may also set certain cookies on your device when you visit Sporteventi websites.

Nombre Descripción Dominio Duración Habilitadas por
PREF These cookies are set by the YouTube video service on pages with embedded YouTube videos and contents. .youtube.com 8 meses

YouTube, LLC
Google Inc.

YSC .youtube.com Sesión

YouTube, LLC
Google Inc.

VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE .youtube.com 8 meses

YouTube, LLC
Google Inc.

s_gl .youtube.com Sesión

YouTube, LLC
Google Inc.

CONSENT These cookies are set by the YouTube video service on pages with embedded YouTube videos and contents. .youtube.com, google.com 20 años

YouTube, LLC
Google Inc.

id These cookies are set by Google Inc. for advertising. Some common applications of these cookies are to select advertising based on what’s relevant to a user; to improve reporting on campaign performance; and to avoid showing ads the user has already seen. .doubleclick.net 2 años

Google Inc.

IDE .doubleclick.net 2 años

Google Inc.

test_cookie .doubleclick.net 15 minutos

Google Inc.

NID Advertising and Security. This cookie is set by Google Inc. on pages with embedded Google maps and contents. This cookie is set by Google Inc. to help customize ads on Google properties and to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials, and protect user data from unauthorized parties. .google.com 6 meses Google Inc.
SID Advertising. This cookie is set by Google Inc. to help customize ads on Google properties. .google.com 6 meses Google Inc.
1P_JAR Advertising. This cookie is set by Google Inc. .google.com 1 mes Google Inc.
SAPISID .google.com 2 años Google Inc.
HSID .google.com Google Inc.
APISID .google.com Google Inc.
SIDCC .google.com 3 meses Google Inc.

For further information: Types of cookies used by Google, Google Privacy Policy.


4. Other similar technologies

Websites that use Adobe Flash technologies may use Local Shared Objects or «Flash cookies» to store data on your device.
Some pages of Sporteventi websites use Adobe Flash technologies.


Cómo controlar las cookies

1. Browser settings

Usted puede controlar o borrar las cookies siempre que lo desee: para más información, consulte allaboutcookies.org. Además de poder eliminar todas las cookies que ya se encuentran en su ordenador, también puede configurar la mayoría de los navegadores para que dejen de aceptarlas.
Pero tenga presente que, si rechaza las cookies, es posible que tenga que volver a configurar manualmente sus preferencias cada vez que visite un sitio y que dejen de funcionar determinados servicios y funcionalidades.

Different browsers use different ways to disable cookies, but they are usually found under a Tools or Options menu. For further information:
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/cookies-information-websites-store-on-your-computer
Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265
Microsoft Edge: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/edge-privacy-faq


2. Opt-out from analytics cookies

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites visit : https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout


3. Opt-out from third party’s cookies

Advertising companies enable you to opt-out of receiving targeted advertising. This does not stop cookies being set, but it does stop these companies using and collecting some data. For more information and opt-out controls from third-party profiling cookies, please visit: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices.


4. Block Flash cookies

Please note that not all browsers provide the ability to remove Adobe Flash «cookies». To manage or block Flash cookies, go to: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/it/flashplayer/help/settings_manager.html.



If you have additional questions, please contact us through our customer care (info@sporteventi.it) or by writing to: ADS Sporteventi, Via Pastore Giulio 44, 31029 Vittorio Veneto TV, Italy.